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Highlights of Summer '24 ☀️

Wow - summer was gone in a blink!

This summer was intentionally slower for me. I took on fewer orders and changed my schedule at Cambridge Farmers Market to once a month. There were a few reasons for this: The biggest one was to slow my body down and work on lessening the stress in my life for my health's sake. With depression rearing its ugly head and pushing me to the edge of burnout, it was necessary for me to reorganize and reprioritize a lot of my life. It helped so much to be able to live a bit slower and enjoy time with my 5 year old, garden with my husband, sponsor and attend Braham Appreciation Day, read close to 20 books, visit Rush City waterpark on numerous occasions, peruse the Isanti Farmers Market a few times, and breathe. Rest can be a hard thing to grasp as an adult, but so important to make time for. A quote I saw a couple years into business that has stuck with me is:

"If you don't rest, your body will force you to."

Now that school is in session and my son is off to full-time Kindergarten, I am refreshed and read to rebuild back to the bakery you know and love. Next month I will be going back to the roots of Simply Sweet Bakery and getting delicious baked goods to you more consistently with monthly exclusive bakes. Oh, and Sugar Cookie Decorating Classes return in October! I am working with 3 different community education programs this fall and am looking forward to showing people that yes, you too can decorate cookies! It's also a great time to schedule a cookie decorating class of your own if you've been thinking about doing it for a holiday party, girls' night, or a special event at your business!

In the spirit of oversharing, here are some photos that cover a lot of what's happened over the summer. 💖

My sister got married in June, so that was the big event of the summer! My husband officiated, my son threw flowers, and I was lucky enough to make their cake and wedding desserts. 💟

Orders this summer have consisted of macarons, decorated sugar cookies, and mouth-watering cakes!

With the garden harvest rolling in, we've been trying to preserve what we can -- enter pickled cucumbers and jalapenos, and sun-dried tomatoes!

Family time consisted of visits to both Isanti County Fair and the State Fair, an overnight trip to Duluth, and lots of togetherness in the kitchen making treats together just for fun.

Thank you for indulging me in this review of summer! How was yours? I'll see you soon as we get back to improving Simply Sweet Bakery. Thanks for being here! ❤️


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Woman owned  |  LGBTQIA+ friendly

Simply Sweet Bakery MN is a registered cottage food producer in the state of MN.
Products are homemade and not subject to state inspection.

Simply Sweet Bakery MN

Located in Braham, MN


Serving East Central MN:

Braham, Cambridge, Isanti,

Mora, Rush City, Pine City, +

Hours: By appointment only

Address: Shared with order confirmation

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